About us
Finally! The blog that combines mental wellbeing, healthy food and physical fitness. And all other things that can possibly matter to us being healthy!
Often, nutrition, bodily and mental health are treated like separate issues that we must deal with one by one. For example, when suffering overweight, knee problems and depression, a nutritionist looks at your diet, a physiotherapist will help you with your physical pain and we may visit psychologists to help us with our depression.
The link between health and nutrition
However, as many have experienced throughout life, it is all linked: when we feel mentally depressed, our body usually gets inflamed and we become sick, or vice versa, when we experience physical harm, especially when it results in chronic pain, we can easily get depressed. The opposite is also true, when we feel mentally well, our bodies are generally in a much better state and/or better equipped to deal with trauma.
A major role in mental and physical wellbeing is assigned to healthy nutrition. Bad nutrition can also influence negative mental states, as well as aggravate physical pain. On the flip side, healthy food can help or maintain mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Everything is linked, and therefore we decided to create a blog that not only explains everything about healthy food, including keto diet, plant-based living, low carb living and other healthy diets, but also dives into psychological issues such as dealing with anxiety, burn out, depression and other forms of mental challenges that we face throughout our beautiful lives.
We also address various chronic pains that can be a result or a cause of an unhealthy lifestyle. We will introduce you into the wonderful world of Mindfulness & Meditation and give you usable stress-relieving tools which you can apply directly in your daily lifestyle.
We hope that our diet information, recipes, articles and other posts will help you with your healthy and happy life!